Saturday, 2 April 2011

Over and over again.

I woke up today and guess what - everything is exactly the way it was yesterday. This is probably the most disappointing fact about my life. All I need to do in order to stir things up a bit is just to go out, interact with other human beings, maybe write a poem or a song, it is as simple as that. I know it would make me so happy if I executed one of these options, but some weird force coming from within prevents me from doing so by pinning my ass to the chair in front of my laptop. You might call it laziness but I think it is more than that -  some kind of a weird auto-destructive notion. All that is left is hoping that I will pull my shit together and tomorrow will be different. 


  1. The great thing about being human is that we have the ability to change things in our life. You can do it too!

  2. I have that problem a lot sometimes too.

  3. I like the video, and the blog.

  4. i'm on friday right now, lol.

  5. Go outside for a walk, fresh air is good and exercise makes you feel awesome afterwards!

    -from a guy who has been inside all day


  6. I hope you get a lot of success on your blog. Looks good!

  7. Awesome music video, I know how you feel too! 1+ follower.

  8. Join a club or start taking martial arts or sumthing if you can...i lost my fat and am starting to get abs cause of judo (twice a week)

    hope your life has some dramatic changes soon :)

  9. Feel the same way, it isn't as easy for everyone to get out and socialize. Hope things work out for you, followed! ;)

  10. You just need to find something that interests you... anything that can capture imagination can change you entire life

  11. i feel with you. i know exactly what this feeling is like.

  12. thanks posting that cardigan song! I totally forgot about it. Gonna listen to it all daaayy now

  13. Hopefully tomorrow WILL be better. - Hang on strong! :)

  14. Ever since a was a kid i found this video and song scary for some reason, and i still do today lol what is wrong with me

  15. nice video!

  16. Tomorrow WILL be different :)

  17. i'll always have a soft spot for them. lovefool is one of those songs that brings me back to a certain time in my life, makes me nostalgia hard. plus she's smoking hot.

  18. We made a tribute to this song on the last concert I've played ! We played it Type O Negative style so really slow it was beautiful. Maybe I'll post the video some day.

  19. I suffer from the same problem bro
    for some reason all I want to do is sit infront of the comp and isolate but the moment I get out and socialize i feel so much better
